Thursday, October 19, 2017

To be honest

To be honest



Facebook a beau régner en maître sur le secteur des réseaux sociaux, les utilisateurs les plus jeunes continuent de lui échapper et de se tourner vers des solutions tierces comme Snapchat.

Facebook s'empart de TBH, une appli bienveillante pour ados

IA Facebook
Grâce à cette nouvelle acquisition, le réseau social espère briller de nouveau auprès de ce public si particulier.

TBH tombe dans le giron de Facebook

Pour l’instant, TBH n’est disponible que dans 35 états américains.
Destiné aux adolescents, TBH est considéré comme une application bienveillante. Ce service de questions-réponses anonymes permet à ses utilisateurs d’envoyer des compliments à d’autres personnes.
Contrairement à Sarahah, l’application saoudienne fonctionnant sur le même principe, TBH pose directement des questions précises et toujours positives pour éviter le harcèlement entre les utilisateurs.
Par exemple, les utilisateurs pourront recevoir des questions comme « Qui a le plus beau sourire ? » ou « Qui est le plus gentil ? ». Avec ce système, ils seront obligés de complimenter leurs amis. À chaque question, ils devront choisir parmi quatre de leurs contacts. La personne qui a été choisie par un utilisateur recevra par la suite un compliment anonyme même si le slogan de l’application est « Découvrez qui vous apprécie ».

TBH, très populaire

Depuis son lancement officiel le 3 août 2017, TBH a remporté le titre de l’application la plus prisée par les adolescents américains. TBH apparait toujours dans le top dix des applications préférées que ce soit sur l’Apple Store ou le Play Store.
Au début du mois d’octobre 2017, l’application a atteint 5 millions d’utilisateurs et près d’un milliard de messages envoyés.
Malgré l’achat de TBH par Facebook, le réseau social a tenu à souligner que l’application restera indépendante face à ses autres services. Les créateurs de TBH ont aussi affirmé qu’« À l’avenir, votre expérience avec TBH ne changera pas, mais nous continuerons à améliorer et à ajouter des fonctionnalités avec amour. »
Avant le déploiement de TBH à l’international, il sera d’abord lancé progressivement dans le reste des états américains.
Actualités HIGH-TECH: POSITIVE ATTITUDE - A rebours des applications de rumeurs classiques, TBH, qui se présente comme un réseau social anonyme et bienveillant, permet d'envoyer et de recevoir des compliments de ses amis. Moins de trois mois après son lancement, voyant son succès grandissant, Facebook a annoncé son rachat.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, New York Yankees: Your Thursday Briefing

Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, New York Yankees: Your Thursday Briefing

Trump’s to-do list.

With Congress failing to repeal the Affordable Care Act, President Trump is ready to go it alone on health care. He plans to sign an executive order today that would relax rules on small businesses that band together to buy health insurance.

On Wednesday, the president said it was “possible” the U.S. would drop out of the North American Free Trade Agreement. His administration has pushed for significant changes to the deal, but Mexico and Canada say they’re nonstarters.
Separately, Mr. Trump threatened to use the government’s power over broadcast licenses to retaliate against NBC for a report about the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
Continue reading the main story Morning Briefing
Your Morning Briefing is published weekdays at 6 a.m. Eastern and updated on the web all morning. See all Morning, Weekend and Evening briefings together.
California, MacArthur Foundation, World Cup: Your Wednesday Briefing OCT 11
Clean Power Plan, California, Major League Baseball: Your Tuesday Briefing OCT 10
Harvey Weinstein, Bob Corker, N.F.L.: Your Monday Briefing OCT 9
Nobel Peace Prize, Harvey Weinstein, ‘Blade Runner 2049’: Your Friday Briefing OCT 6
Las Vegas, Google Home, Minnesota Lynx: Your Thursday Briefing OCT 5
Curious about how The Times covers the Trump administration? You can submit questions for a TimesTalk at 6:30 p.m. Eastern today with our White House correspondents Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman, as well as Dean Baquet, our executive editor, that will be moderated by Jim Rutenberg, our media columnist.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Facebook down for some users worldwide

Facebook down for some users worldwide

Facebook users around the world have experienced an outage of the social network Wednesday morning, which appears to be still continuing for many.

Users report being unable to use the site, and others report unusual behavior including elements such as the "post" box not appearing.

The outage of the network is being tracked by independent site Down Detector, where users continue to report issues.

"We're aware that some people are currently having trouble accessing Facebook and Instagram," a Facebook representative told CNET. "We're working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible."

Update, 12:30 p.m. ET: Added comment from Facebook.

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Facebook down for some users worldwide

Facebook down for some users worldwide

PANNE MONDIALE - Les réseaux sociaux Facebook et Instagram ont cessé de fonctionner chez de nombreux utilisateurs à travers le monde. Une panne mondiale dont on ignore encore la cause.

Facebook et Instagram ne fonctionnent plus chez un grand d'utilisateursà travers le monde. Les premiers signalements ont été enregistrés vers 17h11 (heure de Paris). La panne toucherait notamment les Etats-Unis, le Japon et l'Inde, ainsi que la France, le Royaume-Uni et l'Allemagne, pour l'Europe. La version web d’Instagram n’est plus du tout disponible, l’application, quant à elle, ne se met plus à jour. La cause de cette panne est inconnue et le moment de la reprise du service n'a pas été communiqué.
Selon les estimations du site Down Detector, environ 40 % des utilisateurs de Facebook n’ont plus accès à la plateforme. "Nous sommes conscients que certaines personnes ont actuellement des difficultés à accéder à Facebook et à Instagram. Nous travaillons pour que les choses reviennent à la normale aussi rapidement que possible",  a réagi en début de soirée un porte-parole du réseau social.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie


By Angelina Jolie and 

Eminem unleashes on Trump: The 11 fiercest lines

Eminem unleashes on Trump: The 11 fiercest lines

(CNN) In what is perhaps the fiercest and the most exhaustive attack against Donald Trump in hip-hop,Eminem "came to stomp," unleashing on the President in an explosive 4.5 minute freestyle -- which aired during Tuesday night's BET Hip Hop Awards — calling Trump everything from "Donald the b----," to a "racist grandpa."
via :
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Eminem unleashes anti-Trump rap during 2017 BET Hip-Hop Awards

Eminem unleashes anti-Trump rap during 2017 BET Hip-Hop Awards

Eminem took aim at President Donald Trump Tuesday night in a vicious, profanity-laced rap that aired during the 2017 BET Hip-Hop Awards.
Wearing a black hoodie and using the blunt, in-your-face style that has made him one of the most popular and influential rappers in hip-hop, Eminem performed the freestyle rap, called a “cypher verse,” during a sequence filmed at what appeared to be an upper floor of a parking garage in Detroit, Mi.
This isn’t the first time the multi-platinum artist has aimed his verbal jabs at Trump. The rapper released an eight-minute track called “Campaign Speech” last year, which also followed a radio-show freestyle where Eminem lambasted the president and other pop culture figures.
He started his latest tirade by proclaiming “this the calm before the storm right here” utilizing the cryptic term Trump used last week suggesting that he might be considering military action against North Korea.
“Wait, how was I gonna start this off?” said the rapper while several African American men standing in front of automobiles watched him in stone-faced silence. “I forgot. Oh, yeah / That’s an awfully hot coffee pot / Should I drop it on Donald Trump? Probably not / But that’s all I got ’til I come up with a solid plot / Got a plan and now I gotta hatch it / Like a damn Apache with a tomahawk...”
During the routine, which lasts just over four minutes, Eminem accuses Trump of racism, attacks his policy on immigration, makes fun of his frequent trips to his golf resorts and blasts his continued attacks on NFL players protesting police brutality against blacks by kneeling during the National Anthem.
In one instance, he raps, “He gets an enormous reaction / When he attacks the NFL so we focus on that / Instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada / All these horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather / Cause a Twitter storm with the Packers / Then says he wants to lower our taxes / Then who’s gonna pay for his extravagant trips / Back and forth with his fam to his golf resorts and his mansions?”
Pacing back and forth and looking at times like he’s sparring with the cameraman filming him, he continues.
“From his endorsement of Bannon / Support from the Klansmen / Tiki torches in hand for the soldier that's black / And comes home from Iraq / And is still told to go back to Africa.”
He then returned to the NFL controversy.
“Now, if you’re a black athlete / You’re a spoiled little brat for tryna use your platform or your stature / To try to give those a voice who don't have one / He says, ‘You’re spittin’ in the face of vets who fought for us,’ you bastard / Unless you’re a POW who's tortured and battered / ’Cause to him, you’re zeros / ’Cause he don’t like his war heroes captured / That’s not disrespecting the military.”
He ends the rap with a proclamation: “The rest of America stand up / We love our military, and we love our country / But we (expletive) hate Trump.”
Initial response to the rap was overwhelmingly positive, with praise from several celebrities ranging from basketball star LeBron James and actress Debra Messing to NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who initiated the NFL protest last season.
